Payment FAQs

We accept company checks, PayPal, Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Discover, JCB,Transfer TT, Western Union, Apple Pay Maestro and UnionPay.

No, the amount of colors is not a factor. As an offset printer, a portion of our pricing is based on the total amount of ink coverage on the box, rather than the number of colors you use in your design.

Pricing is generally a factor of six things:

  • Dimensions: depth is the most influential measurement on pricing
  • Box style
  • Percentage of ink coverage: how much ink is needed to print your design
  • Material: premium materials result in a higher price
  • Quantity: higher quantities = significant unit cost savings
  • Print options: options like white ink or double-sided printing result in a higher price

Because each of your boxes may pass through proofing and production at different times and with different requirements, we generally ask that you checkout with each design separately.Â